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- /* Envelope.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #define ShowMeEnvelopeRec
- #include "Envelope.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "Frequency.h"
- /* create a new envelope record with nothing in it */
- EnvelopeRec* NewEnvelope(void)
- {
- EnvelopeRec* Envelope;
- Envelope = (EnvelopeRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(EnvelopeRec),"EnvelopeRec");
- if (Envelope == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return NIL;
- }
- Envelope->PhaseArray = (EnvStepRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(0,"PhaseArray");
- if (Envelope->PhaseArray == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)Envelope);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- Envelope->SustainPhase1 = -1;
- Envelope->SustainPhase2 = -1;
- Envelope->SustainPhase3 = -1;
- Envelope->SustainPhase1Type = eEnvelopeReleasePointNoSkip;
- Envelope->SustainPhase2Type = eEnvelopeReleasePointNoSkip;
- Envelope->SustainPhase3Type = eEnvelopeReleasePointNoSkip;
- Envelope->Origin = 0;
- Envelope->NumPhases = 0;
- Envelope->OverallScalingFactor = 1;
- return Envelope;
- }
- /* dispose of an envelope record */
- void DisposeEnvelope(EnvelopeRec* Envelope)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ReleasePtr((char*)Envelope->PhaseArray);
- ReleasePtr((char*)Envelope);
- }
- /* find out how many frames there are in the envelope */
- long GetEnvelopeNumFrames(EnvelopeRec* Envelope)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- return Envelope->NumPhases;
- }
- /* set a release point. -1 means this release point is ignored */
- void EnvelopeSetReleasePoint1(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Release,
- SustainTypes ReleaseType)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Release < -1) || (Release > Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetReleasePoint1: release point is out of range"));
- ERROR((ReleaseType != eEnvelopeSustainPointSkip)
- && (ReleaseType != eEnvelopeReleasePointSkip)
- && (ReleaseType != eEnvelopeSustainPointNoSkip)
- && (ReleaseType != eEnvelopeReleasePointNoSkip),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetReleasePoint1: bad release type"));
- Envelope->SustainPhase1 = Release;
- Envelope->SustainPhase1Type = ReleaseType;
- }
- /* set a release point. -1 means this release point is ignored */
- void EnvelopeSetReleasePoint2(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Release,
- SustainTypes ReleaseType)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Release < -1) || (Release > Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetReleasePoint2: release point is out of range"));
- ERROR((ReleaseType != eEnvelopeSustainPointSkip)
- && (ReleaseType != eEnvelopeReleasePointSkip)
- && (ReleaseType != eEnvelopeSustainPointNoSkip)
- && (ReleaseType != eEnvelopeReleasePointNoSkip),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetReleasePoint2: bad release type"));
- Envelope->SustainPhase2 = Release;
- Envelope->SustainPhase2Type = ReleaseType;
- }
- /* set a release point. -1 means this release point is ignored */
- void EnvelopeSetReleasePoint3(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Release,
- SustainTypes ReleaseType)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Release < -1) || (Release > Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetReleasePoint3: release point is out of range"));
- ERROR((ReleaseType != eEnvelopeSustainPointSkip)
- && (ReleaseType != eEnvelopeReleasePointSkip)
- && (ReleaseType != eEnvelopeSustainPointNoSkip)
- && (ReleaseType != eEnvelopeReleasePointNoSkip),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetReleasePoint3: bad release type"));
- Envelope->SustainPhase3 = Release;
- Envelope->SustainPhase3Type = ReleaseType;
- }
- /* get the value of a release point */
- long GetEnvelopeReleasePoint1(EnvelopeRec* Envelope)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- return Envelope->SustainPhase1;
- }
- /* get the value of a release point */
- long GetEnvelopeReleasePoint2(EnvelopeRec* Envelope)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- return Envelope->SustainPhase2;
- }
- /* get the value of a release point */
- long GetEnvelopeReleasePoint3(EnvelopeRec* Envelope)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- return Envelope->SustainPhase3;
- }
- /* get the release point type */
- SustainTypes GetEnvelopeReleaseType1(EnvelopeRec* Envelope)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- return Envelope->SustainPhase1Type;
- }
- /* get the release point type */
- SustainTypes GetEnvelopeReleaseType2(EnvelopeRec* Envelope)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- return Envelope->SustainPhase2Type;
- }
- /* get the release point type */
- SustainTypes GetEnvelopeReleaseType3(EnvelopeRec* Envelope)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- return Envelope->SustainPhase3Type;
- }
- /* set the origin of the envelope */
- void EnvelopeSetOrigin(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Origin)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- Envelope->Origin = Origin;
- }
- /* get the origin from the envelope */
- long GetEnvelopeOrigin(EnvelopeRec* Envelope)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- return Envelope->Origin;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetAccent1Amp(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetAccent1Amp: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent1Amp = Val;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetAccent2Amp(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetAccent2Amp: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent2Amp = Val;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetAccent3Amp(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetAccent3Amp: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent3Amp = Val;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetAccent4Amp(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetAccent4Amp: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent4Amp = Val;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetFreqAmpRolloff(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetFreqAmpRolloff: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].FrequencyAmpRolloff = Val;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetFreqAmpNormalization(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetFreqAmpNormalization: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].FrequencyAmpNormalization = Val;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetAccent1Rate(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetAccent1Rate: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent1Rate = Val;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetAccent2Rate(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetAccent2Rate: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent2Rate = Val;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetAccent3Rate(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetAccent3Rate: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent3Rate = Val;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetAccent4Rate(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetAccent4Rate: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent4Rate = Val;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetFreqRateRolloff(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetFreqRateRolloff: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].FrequencyRateRolloff = Val;
- }
- void EnvelopeSetFreqRateNormalization(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double Val, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetFreqRateNormalization: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].FrequencyRateNormalization = Val;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeAccent1Amp(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeAccent1Amp: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent1Amp;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeAccent2Amp(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeAccent2Amp: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent2Amp;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeAccent3Amp(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeAccent3Amp: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent3Amp;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeAccent4Amp(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeAccent4Amp: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent4Amp;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeFreqAmpRolloff(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeFreqAmpRolloff: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].FrequencyAmpRolloff;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeFreqAmpNormalization(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeFreqAmpNormalization: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].FrequencyAmpNormalization;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeAccent1Rate(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeAccent1Rate: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent1Rate;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeAccent2Rate(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeAccent2Rate: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent2Rate;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeAccent3Rate(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeAccent3Rate: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent3Rate;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeAccent4Rate(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeAccent4Rate: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].Accent4Rate;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeFreqRateRolloff(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeFreqRateRolloff: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].FrequencyRateRolloff;
- }
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeFreqRateNormalization(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Phase)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Phase < 0) || (Phase >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopeFreqRateNormalization: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Phase].FrequencyRateNormalization;
- }
- /* set the overall amplitude scaling factor */
- void EnvelopeSetOverallAmplitude(EnvelopeRec* Envelope,
- double OverallAmplitude)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- Envelope->OverallScalingFactor = OverallAmplitude;
- }
- /* get the overall amplitude */
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopeOverallAmplitude(EnvelopeRec* Envelope)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- return Envelope->OverallScalingFactor;
- }
- /* insert a new phase at the specified position. Values are undefined */
- MyBoolean EnvelopeInsertPhase(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Index)
- {
- EnvStepRec* ArrayTemp;
- long Scan;
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Index < 0) || (Index > Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeInsertPhase: index is out of range"));
- ArrayTemp = (EnvStepRec*)ResizePtr((char*)Envelope->PhaseArray,
- sizeof(EnvStepRec) * (Envelope->NumPhases + 1));
- if (ArrayTemp == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return False;
- }
- Envelope->PhaseArray = ArrayTemp;
- /* now transfer the data in the arrays to make a hole */
- for (Scan = Envelope->NumPhases - 1; Scan >= Index; Scan -= 1)
- {
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan]));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan + 1]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan + 1]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan + 1] = Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan];
- }
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].Duration = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].EndPoint = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].TransitionType = eEnvelopeLinearInAmplitude;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].TargetType = eEnvelopeTargetAbsolute;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].Accent1Amp = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].Accent2Amp = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].Accent3Amp = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].Accent4Amp = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].FrequencyAmpRolloff = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].FrequencyAmpNormalization = MIDDLEC;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].Accent1Rate = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].Accent2Rate = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].Accent3Rate = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].Accent4Rate = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].FrequencyRateRolloff = 0;
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].FrequencyRateNormalization = MIDDLEC;
- Envelope->NumPhases += 1;
- return True;
- }
- /* delete a phase from the envelope */
- void EnvelopeDeletePhase(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Index)
- {
- long Scan;
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- /* since we don't use the length of the arrays for anything, we can leave */
- /* the extra cell at the end and it won't hurt anything */
- ERROR((Index < 0) || (Index > Envelope->NumPhases - 1),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeDeletePhase: index is out of range"));
- for (Scan = Index; Scan < Envelope->NumPhases - 1; Scan += 1)
- {
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan]));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan + 1]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan + 1]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan] = Envelope->PhaseArray[Scan + 1];
- }
- Envelope->NumPhases -= 1;
- if (Envelope->SustainPhase1 > Envelope->NumPhases)
- {
- Envelope->SustainPhase1 = Envelope->NumPhases;
- }
- if (Envelope->SustainPhase2 > Envelope->NumPhases)
- {
- Envelope->SustainPhase2 = Envelope->NumPhases;
- }
- if (Envelope->SustainPhase3 > Envelope->NumPhases)
- {
- Envelope->SustainPhase3 = Envelope->NumPhases;
- }
- if (Envelope->Origin > Envelope->NumPhases)
- {
- Envelope->Origin = Envelope->NumPhases;
- }
- }
- /* set a new value for the specified phase's duration */
- void EnvelopeSetPhaseDuration(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Index,
- double Duration)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Index < 0) || (Index >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetPhaseDuration: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].Duration = Duration;
- }
- /* get the duration from the specified envelope position */
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopePhaseDuration(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Index)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Index < 0) || (Index >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopePhaseDuration: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].Duration;
- }
- /* set a new value for the specified phase's ultimate value */
- void EnvelopeSetPhaseFinalValue(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Index,
- double FinalValue)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Index < 0) || (Index >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetPhaseFinalValue: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].EndPoint = FinalValue;
- }
- /* get the phase's ultimate value */
- EnvNumberType GetEnvelopePhaseFinalValue(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Index)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Index < 0) || (Index >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopePhaseFinalValue: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].EndPoint;
- }
- /* set the value for a phase's transition type */
- void EnvelopeSetPhaseTransitionType(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Index,
- EnvTransTypes TransitionType)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Index < 0) || (Index >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetPhaseTransitionType: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].TransitionType = TransitionType;
- }
- /* obtain the value in a phase's transition type */
- EnvTransTypes GetEnvelopePhaseTransitionType(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Index)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Index < 0) || (Index >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopePhaseTransitionType: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].TransitionType;
- }
- /* set the value for a phase's target type */
- void EnvelopeSetPhaseTargetType(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Index,
- EnvTargetTypes TargetType)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Index < 0) || (Index >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "EnvelopeSetPhaseTargetType: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]));
- Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].TargetType = TargetType;
- }
- /* get the target type for a phase */
- EnvTargetTypes GetEnvelopePhaseTargetType(EnvelopeRec* Envelope, long Index)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Envelope);
- ERROR((Index < 0) || (Index >= Envelope->NumPhases),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetEnvelopePhaseTargetType: index is out of range"));
- PRNGCHK(Envelope->PhaseArray,&(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]),
- sizeof(Envelope->PhaseArray[Index]));
- return Envelope->PhaseArray[Index].TargetType;
- }